Perron Institute CEO Steve Arnott says every person’s contribution to the Perron Institute community is unique and valuable.

“We’re committed to providing our people with great opportunities and the Institute is fortunate to have such committed and community minded volunteers as part of our program,” he said.

“Our volunteers are a friendly face of the Institute, here to take extra care of our patients and their carers to help make their day easier at the Perron Institute’s specialist neurological treatment clinics.”

Operations Manager Ann Convery says people volunteer for different reasons.

“The Institute understands this and we aim to fulfil the various goals of our wonderful volunteers,” she said.

Cormac O’Brien joined the Institute’s volunteer team a few months ago. He has just completed a Bachelor of Biomedical Science (majoring in neuroscience and psychology) at the University Western Australia and is about to graduate in absentia.

Cormac would like to continue on the neuroscience path by applying for Honours and then a PhD, possibly in neurodegenerative diseases. He has signed up for the upcoming event at the Perron Institute for students interested in undertaking Honours at the Institute via any of Western Australia’s universities.

Cormac says he is feels honoured to be connected to a leading neuroscience institute in Australia, its researchers and clinicians, and all the connections the Institute has with the international research and medical communities.

“I’m enjoying my experience and am proud to be connected with such inspiring work.

“I’m grateful to Associate Professor Jenny Rodger and team, particularly the students who have offered their advice and helpful insight.”

Cormac works part time at the Cardio Respiratory Sleep clinic in Nedlands and runs the family-owned Sage café in Victoria Park. In his spare time, he enjoys cooking and taking care of his new veggie garden.

Welcome, Cormac!


Volunteering at Perron Institute

If you’re interested in becoming a volunteer at the Perron Institute for Neurological and Translational Science in Nedlands, please email


Honours event at Perron Institute

If you’re considering undertaking Honours in Neuroscience in 2022, our information session on 18 August is an opportunity to meet potential supervisors and learn more about how Honours works.