Medical Director shares own story for World Brain Day: Parkinson’s disease
This year, the World Federation of Neurology dedicated World Brain Day (22 July) to Parkinson’s disease.
Perron Institute Medical Director, Clinical Professor David Blacker, also a neurologist at Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital (SCGH), was incredibly brave in publicly sharing his personal story about living with Parkinson’s disease.
As one of Australia’s leading neurologists, Professor Blacker has made an excellent contribution to the well-being of people who suffer from neurological conditions. He now has a unique insight as both a neurologist and patient.
Professor Blacker is still committed to the Perron Institute and SCGH and continues to look for therapeutic solutions to relieve suffering. Currently, he is developing a non-contact boxing program he has personally found beneficial. Professor Blacker hopes it will help other people living with Parkinson’s, while more treatments are being developed.
Professor Blacker shared his experience in a video on the WFN WBD webpage and in the Brain Day webinar. He also shared his story with Channel Seven News on Brain Day, and this item was re-broadcast on the Sunrise program the following day.
Professor Blacker has also written a paper titled: “A neurologist with Parkinson’s disease“, recently published in the journal of Practical Neurology.
Professor Blacker continues to provide inspiration to his colleagues, peers and other people living with Parkinson’s, and other neurological conditions.