Professor Melinda (Lindy) Fitzgerald is a professor of Neurotrauma at the Perron Institute and Deputy Vice Chancellor of Research at Curtin University, a John Curtin Distinguished Professor, and the CEO of Connectivity Traumatic Brain Injury Australia.

Professor Fitzgerald’s research focuses on understanding and preventing the loss of function that occurs following neurotrauma. Her team uses a range of innovative approaches to understand the brain’s response to injury and to design and test treatment strategies that mitigate damage.

She leads two nationally funded consortia, AUS-TBI and AUS-mTBI, supported by the Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF). These consortia include 100 researchers and up to 50 partner organisations, aiming to design the informatics approach for predicting outcomes following moderate to severe and mild traumatic brain injury.

Professor Fitzgerald has published over 135 peer-reviewed papers, with recent highlights in Lancet Neurology, Journal of Neuroscience, Nature Nanotechnology, and ACS Nano. She has supervised 13 PhD students to completion and mentored 12 postdoctoral researchers, three of whom are now group leaders, while 15 are establishing independent scientific and research careers. She has secured over $16.5 million in total research funding, including $9 million as Chief Investigator (CIA).

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