Opened 16 days ago

Trial Aim Description

Pregmols – Pregnancy immunobiology Study –  for Women with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) or Neuromyelitis Optica Spectrum Disorder (NMOSD)

It is hoped that this study will help us understand:

  1. How the immune system changes in pregnancy might protect against long term disease progression.
  2. The relationship between assisted reproductive technology use and diseased activity.
  3. The impact of MS or NMOSD on fertility.
  4. The biological processes behind miscarriage.
  5. The biological process behind the start and the progression of disease and aid in the development of new treatments.

Inclusion Criteria

  • Planning a pregnancy and have not been pregnant before.
  • Have a diagnosis on MS or NMOSD
  • Aged between 18 – 45

What is required from the participant

  • Complete a survey about demographics, lifestyle and medical Information.
  • Donate 120mls of blood at Non-Pregnant timepoint and donate 60 mls at other timepoints during pregnancy.


Interested? Enquire today

Principal Investigator: Professor Allan Kermode

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