Understanding the healing power of music

The therapeutic power of music will be the subject of a fascinating public lecture at the Perron Institute’s inaugural symposium on latest research into neurological diseases and treatments.

The free public presentation by The University of Western Australia neuroscientist, Emeritus Professor Alan Harvey will take place on 1 May from 5pm to 6pm at The University Club of Western Australia, Hackett Drive, Crawley. 

Professor Harvey is the Chair of the Perron Institute Research Advisory Committee and is also a gifted musician.  His intersecting interests place him in an exceptional position to understand the connections between music, human evolution and brain function.

He is a persuasive advocate for the power of music to help treat neurodegenerative disorders such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s.

Professor Harvey’s book Music, Evolution, and the Harmony of Souls, published in 2017 by Oxford University Press, is a unique literature resource for academics, clinicians, therapists, educators and teachers.

Please note: Places are limited and bookings are essential for the Perron Institute Symposium public lecture, via the following link:


Pictured: Emeritus Professor Alan Harvey presenting at the Perron Institute Symposium Public Lecture