Raine Foundation travel grant for Alex Tang

Dr Alex Tang, a postdoctoral researcher in the Brain Plasticity Research group at the Perron Institute and University of Western Australia, has received a $23,000 Raine Medical Research Foundation grant for stroke research.

The project is titled: “Developing novel treatments for stroke”.

Dr Tang is a recipient of the Healy Research Collaboration Award. This supports early-career researchers in WA in establishing and developing national and international collaborations towards a better understanding of human diseases, their prevention and treatment.

The Raine grant is in collaboration with Professor John Reynolds of the University of Otago, New Zealand, to investigate changes to the structure and function of brain cells after a stroke.

“Professor Reynolds and I worked together during my PhD. Understanding how the brain changes following a stroke will help us to identify new therapeutic targets and develop novel treatments,” Dr Tang said.

“We are very grateful to the Raine Medical Research Foundation for the opportunity to start this exciting project, which includes funding to host Professor Reynolds at UWA and the Perron Institute in 2021.”

The University of Otago is ranked in the top one per cent of universities worldwide. In 2019, all of Dr Tang’s publications were in the top ten per cent of publications in his field.

At the recent Raine Annual Awards Ceremony at The University Club of Western Australia, Raine Foundation Chair, Professor Amit Chakma announced all research awards for 2021.