A fascination with the human body and enjoying talking to people from an early age led Dr Srimathy Vijayan to pursue a career in clinical medicine.
Dr Vijayan is a consultant neurologist in the Perron Institute clinic. Her key interest is movement disorders, including the management of Parkinson’s disease and advanced therapies, particularly deep brain stimulation.
“Neurology is like the mystic arts,” she said. “I find the content intriguing and challenging. I knew I wanted to be a neurologist during medical school.
“Throughout my life and career so far, my mentors have been inspirational and taught me to love what I do and learn through clinical practice.
“It’s a privilege to be part of the prestigious Perron Institute. It allows me to combine clinical medicine and research, which are both close to my heart.”
Dr Vijayan graduated from the University of East Anglia in Norwich, UK in 2009. She completed junior medical training in London and medical training at the prestigious John Radcliffe Hospital in Oxford before moving to Australia in 2013.
Dr Vijayan is a previous winner of both the Perron Institute Aspire Award and the Byron Kakulas Prestige Scholarship.
She is currently undertaking a PhD and working on the PEDS-PD study evaluating the effects of deep brain stimulation on sleep and pulmonary function in Parkinson’s disease with Drs Rick Stell, Frank Mastaglia and Bhajan Singh.
“A career highlight so far is being able to undertake a PhD via UWA. I’m fortunate for the opportunity to do this higher research degree with the support of the Perron Institute.
“I’m grateful to all my colleagues, particularly my neurology mentors Associate Professor Rick Stell and Professor Frank Mastaglia. They are both exceptional clinicians and human beings.
“I’m indebted to Clinic and Clinical Trials Manager Sue Walters and Parkinson’s Nurse Specialist Alexa Jefferson. They are incredibly understanding and flexible with my ever-changing schedule.”
Her advice for young clinicians and researchers is to encourage them to have passion and the desire to explore the world of science.
“Without enthusiastic young people driven to find answers, we remain in the dark, not knowing enough about how to treat and cure debilitating disorders.
“Since having a baby I don’t have time for any hobbies, but I’m thoroughly enjoying motherhood.”